Forest Fire Damage
After a wild fire there are often many trees and brush left behind that are beyond the point of recovery, this is when fire restoration services are in order. A major benefit of forestry mulching is that we can selectively choose what vegetation needs to be removed. For example, we remove any vegetetation that can not recover after a fire and leave any trees that have a good chance of survival. Traditional land clearing methods are typically applied much less selectively and don’t have the means of picking and choosing what vegetation stays or goes.
In addition to saving as much salvagable vegetation as we can, the left over mulch is extremely beneficial for the soil after a wildfire. The left over layer of mulch on the soil keeps it in place, preventing soil erosion. In conjunction with preventing soil erosion, mulch also replenishes nutrients in the soil and traps moisture which helps germination of seeds left from a wildfire, ultimately providing long-term improvement of the soil.
Forestry mulching offers many benefits for any kind of land clearing project, and it is the most environmentally friendly option. Also, mulching can be much less time consuming than traditional methods, ultimatley saving on cost while improving land conditions.